Hey America! Now it is your turn

All I'm saying is, America, it's time for you to open your door to investigations by international scientists. The global community has many questions that need answering...

5.Iwouldbe(most)gratefulifyoucould...您如果能……,我将不胜感激。 6.Couldyoupossiblyletmeknowwhether...您可以告知是否……吗? 中间段 1.Wouldyoupleaseexplain/clarify...贵方可以解释/阐明……吗? 2.Couldyousendmesomeinformationabout...贵方可以给我寄有关...

这一代人认为“you’re welcome”才使标准的礼貌回答。 “No problem" vs "you are welcome"(via Tumblr) (via 网络) 然鹅不只是美国的年轻人,Buzzfeed的一篇文章指出,其他国家的人们也...

乘客无意间说了句“you’re welcome”,重庆的哥开启“疯狂英语”模式源​@梨视频2018-03-24 19:19@梨视频 消息,3月23日,重庆张女士说,她打车时无意回复了一句“you’re welcome”后, 司机大哥竟开始飙英语。不断练习英文长句,还自己评价自己“过关!”,此外还要求张女...

We are happy because things pan out as we expect. 事情按着我们的预期进行下去,我们很开心。 6. You have my word. 我向你保证。 Notes: 当我们向某人保证什么事情时,除了“I promis...

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